Migration, Memory and Place

Interdisicplinary conference with parallel sessions and altogether about 70 speakers.

The conference invites considerations of how artistic and cultural representations of memory, migration and migrant experiences (in literature, cinema, theatre, media, the visual arts and other areas of culture and cultural practices) provide fruitful points of departure for the development of new theoretical concepts of place and belonging, and, vice versa, how multiple approaches to the perspective of place and memory can enrich the study of cultural migration.

The conference invites papers from scholars working with art, literature, film, media, cultural representations or cultural performance and cutting across fields such as studies in culture, media and the arts, migration studies, cross-cultural studies, post-colonial studies, cultural geography, place theory, cultural anthropology, urban studies, cultural sociology and philosophy.


Confirmed keynotes

Edward S. Casey, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, SUNY at Stony Brook

Andreas Huyssen, Villard Professor of German and Comparative Literature, ColumbiaUniversity: “Media of Memory”

Nikos Papastergiadis, Professor of Cultural Studies and Media & Communications, University of Melbourne: “The Scenes of Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism”

Alistair Thomson, Professor of History, Monash University

Sigrid Weigel, Professor of Comparative Literature, Zentrum für Literaturforschung and Technische Universität, Berlin: “The Mediterranean from the perspective of the Black Sea: Topography and cultural semantics of land and sea in the European thalassic debate”.