Centre for Modern European Studies

An Öresund Network of Lund University, Malmö University and the University of Copenhagen

The task of the Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES) is to promote and support research on modern Europe in an increasingly globalized world. The centre aims to explore the last centuries’ political, cultural and intellectual transformation of Europe as well Europe’s relations with other regions in the world. CEMES will actively coordinate and develop research and education on European issues based on a broad interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to the area. CEMES provides platforms for researchers to develop and discuss their research on European matters, including history, culture, media, politics, international relations, religions, philosophy, arts, and literature.

CEMES spans the three Öresund universities. It is steered by researchers from the joint faculties of Humanities and Theology (Lund University) and the Faculty of Culture and Society (Malmö University) and the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Theology (University of Copenhagen). The CEMES Secretariat is located at the Saxo Institute at the University of Copenhagen.

CEMES aims to:

  • Develop interdisciplinary studies in matters and issues related to Europe across and within the partner universities.
  • Support and facilitate external funding for individual and collective research projects on European issues.
  • Initiate and foster research-based activities for
  • Develop collaboration with other centres for European studies in the Nordic region and
  • Create international networks on European matters.
  • Gather expertise within the humanities on European issues, make research accessible and disseminate it to a broader audience.

Organisational structure 

The backbone of CEMES is the group of researchers associated with CEMES and involved in the various research projects and activities linked to CEMES. The researchers have various fields of expertise, but all are joined in CEMES by their common interest in European research. 

Research groups

In order to ensure a multifaceted and active research network, CEMES has established five research groups, within which a variety of activities take place. The research groups focus on different complimentary aspects of Europe and European history that are central to the field of modern European studies. The groups are all open to participants, including CEMES researchers and external researchers. In addition to the research groups, which organize a majority of CEMES' research activities, CEMES also provides funding opportunities for research activities independent of the research groups.



Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (Språk och Litteraturcentrum, Lund University)

Dino Knudsen (Fakulteten för kultur og samhälle, Malmö University)

Morten Rasmussen (Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen)



CEMES is headed by a steering committee consisting of representatives from the participating universities.

The Steering Committee is responsible for the overall administration of CEMES, including the economy and the organisation of everyday activities.

As per 2025, the committee members are:

Lund University


Vice Chair: Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (Språk och Litteraturcentrum)

Peter Jordan (Arkeologiska Institutionen)

Alexander Maurits (Centrum för Teologi och Religionsstudier)

Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen (Filosofiska)


Hanne Sanders (Historiska Institutionen)

Johanna Rivano Eckerdal (Kulturvetenskap)

Anders Marklund (Språk och Litteraturcentrum)

From Malmö University


Vice Chair: Dino Knudsen (Fakulteten för kultur og samhälle)

Maja Povrzanović Frykman (GPS)

Carina Listerborn (US)

Erin Cory (K3)


Tobias Denskus (K3 - Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation)

Per-Markku Ristilammi (Urban Studies)

From University of Copenhagen


Vice Chair: Morten Rasmussen (Saxo-Instituttet)

Anna Lena Sandberg (Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk)

Jan Loop (Det Teologiske Fakultet)

Tea Sindbæk Andersen (Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier)


Laura Luise Schultz (Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab)

Miklós Àron Sükösd (Institut for Kommunikation)

Torben Jelsbak (Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab)



The CEMES secretariat

The CEMES secretariat supports the Steering Committee, the CEMES GRANT holders and the CEMES network with administrational tasks. The centre coordinator is Emil Eiby Seidenfaden.