The Marketizers: Public Choice and the Origins of the Neoliberal Order

Jacob Jensen bogomslag

Teaching Associate Professor Jacob Jensen (University of Copenhagen) will present his book The Marketizers: Public Choice and the Origins of the Neoliberal Order (Goldsmiths Press, 2022) followed by comments by Professor Jenny Andersson (Uppsala University) and a Q&A session.

An original interpretation of the neoliberal order's origins, The Marketizers is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the marketization of politics since the 1980s. The book traces the origins of the neoliberal order to public choice theory and argues that the reinvention of government on the model of the market would have been unimaginable without the emergence of this body of thought. The separation of provision and production in public services, the introduction of competition between service providers, the treatment of citizens as customers, and the use of performance incentives all have origins in the writings of public choice theorists.

All are welcome. The event is followed by a reception.