International conference: What kind of Europe?

Theoretical, methodological and empirical challenges of europeanisation
While the concept of Europeanisation has been applied in a number of settings and with multiple meanings, there has been a tendency over the last decade, particularly within political science, to define it much more narrowly as related to the national implementation and administration of European policies and law. This conference seeks to challenge this trend and instead contribute to the development of an understanding of Europeanisation that goes decisively beyond politics and considers the phenomenon more broadly both in time and space.

Place: The conference will be held at Skodsborg Kurhotel (, Skodsborg Strandvej 139 DK - 2942 Skodsborg

Time: 10-11 December 2009

The conference is organised by "Rethinking European Integration", an interdisciplinary research network hosted by the Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES) and Centre for Studies of Legal Culture (CRS), University of Copenhagen. The conference is sponsored by EURECO (European Research, University of Copenhagen) and "EWED (Europeanisation, Welfare and Democracy). 

Contacts: Morten Rasmussen ( or Mikael Rask Madsen (