Is there a Future for European Security and Defence?

What will the future of European security look like? With British euro-skepticism on the rise, French unilateralism in Mali, economic and political crisis in the Euro-zone, and the US ‘pivot’ to Asia Europe’s future security and defence role is in question.

To discuss these questions and their answers the Centre for European Politics and the Centre for Military Studies are pleased to invite you to a seminar with Tomáš ValášekPresident of the Central European Policy Institute, a gifted political analyst and a keen commentator on European security issues.

The event will be moderated by Kristian Søby Kristensen (CMS) and Rebecca Adler-Nissen (CEP).  

Time and Place

The seminar will take place Thursday 21 February 3:00-4:30 pm in room 2.1.36at CSS.


Registration is necessary. Please send an email to no later than the 20 February.