Political transition in East-Central Europe and the End of the Cold War

One of the world’s leading experts in the History of Central and Eastern Europe and Warzaw during the Cold War, Professor Csaba Békés, Corvinus University in Budapest visits the Saxo-institute and CEMES as guest Professor at from 16 September to 4 October. His visit is financed by a shared grant from CEMES and the Saxo-institute to Transatlantic Contemporary History (TCH) Research Group under CEMES.
Csaba Bekes has published a number of influential books and articles in Hungary and abroad about the Eastern Bloc and Cold war History. He is Founding Director of Cold War History Research Center, Budapest and has several times been a visit scholar at Columbia University, New York among others.

His second public lecture: Political transition in East-Central Europe and the End of the Cold War, will take place Tuesday 24 sept, at 13-15.