Richard Wolin: About Alain Badiou

Open lecture

28. November 14:15-16:00, room 27.0.09

Communism by the Numbers: The Political Philosophy of Alain Badiou

Alain Badiou is perhaps the last “master thinker.” A former student of Louis Althusser, Badiou has sought to counter the rising tide of postmodern relativism and epistemological skepticism by insisting on the nature of truth as an “event.” Being and Event is the title of his philosophical magnum opus. Badiou has also, in his own way, remained faithful to the utopian political dreams of his generation by insisting, in opposition to the reigning neo-liberal consensus, on the continued relevance of what he calls the “communist hypothesis” for contemporary politics. But how is it possible to invoke communism as a positive political touchstone in light of its previous misdeeds and excesses?