Second call for abstracts - Visions of Europe in the Eurovision Song Contest

The Eurovison Conference, 5-7 May, 2014 in Copenhagen

This Year’s Eurovision conference, which will take place in Copenhagen during Eurovision week 2014, will as its main theme focus on the multiple visions of Europe in the Eurovision Song Contest. Such visions can take many shapes, be they politically, economically, culturally, sexually and (mental) geographically charged. Visions of Europe link intrinsically to specific comprehensions of Europe in past and present. Visions are always partial, situated, embodied; they have material-discursive implications. Popular culture and performance cultures represented in the Eurovision Song Contest offer distinct opportunities for observing and displaying the contested nature of envisioning Europe.

Second call for abstracts

Please send an abstract (format: Word) of no more than 300 words to: 
Lisanne Wilken:
Deadline is 15 March 2014.