21 June 2024

Six projects received funding from the CEMES Mid-Year Call 2024

On 17 June the Steering Committee reviewed the applications for the CEMES Spring Call. We received 13 applications for a wide variety of themes, fields and interdisciplinary activities. We distributed grants for approximately DKK 160,000.

The Committee decided to support the following applications (in alphabetical order):

  1. International conference on Skin Manuscripts
    Main Applicant: Christian Benne, University of Copenhagen

  2. Postgraduate Conference on Jewish Studies in the Nordic Countries
    Main Applicant: Magdalena Dziaczkowska, Lund University

  3. Research Seminar on The Digital Zone of European Film and Television Culture
    Main Applicant: Helle Kannik Haastrup, University of Copenhagen

  4. International conference: “NATO, Atlantic Security and Northern Europe Way Back When, Then & Now”
    Main Applicant: Haakon A. Ikonomou, University of Copenhagen

  5. Georgia's Democratic Fairy Tale: Happily Ever After?
    Main Applicant: Tornike Metreveli, Lund University

  6. A public lecture with historian Adam Zamoyski.
    Main Applicant: Anna C. Rédei, Lund University

We congratulate all who received funding and would very much encourage others to apply to our future calls, the next of which will be in November 2024 for activities during 2025. Please follow the website for news.

– The CEMES Steering Committee
