4EU+ Project: Jewish identities in Changing Europe: Challenges, Problems and the Burden of the Past
The introductory course “Jews in Europe, the historical background and today’s realities” offers a multifaceted introduction to the topic of Jewish past and identity across Europe and is taught by lecturers from four European universities (Copenhagen, Milano, Heidelberg, Warszawa) with different areas of expertise. The course gives access to an elective course in Spring 22 that will include field research and a workshop at one of the participating universities as well as a student conference in Warszawa.
This is a stand-alone optional BA/KA course which is open to all students.
All costs for travels are paid by the 4EU+ Alliance.
Contact person at University of Copenhagen: Jessica Ortner, Department for English, Germanic and Romance Studies.
Detailed course description is available through the UCPH course catalogue.
Sign in 18-31 August 2021