About the CEMES Lecture Series
Dates: 14.09. 21.09. 5.10. 26.10 16.11
Time: 15.15-17.00
Venue: The Study Hub, Faculty Library of Humanities, Njalsgade 112, 2300 Copenhagen S (except for 21.09. - Auditorium 22.0.11, KUA1)
All are welcome. No registration.
During the last thirty years we have witnessed intense processes of both globalization and Europeanization. Since the mid-1980s, the European Union has been established around an internal market that addresses the challenges of globalization, but also drives many of the same transformations in a European context. The economic, political and social effects of these twin processes have at the same time driven economic growth, increased inequality and dislocation and promoted migration of labor and people. Today, European political systems are finally beginning to confront the political fallout. European countries seem to be split down the middle. On the one hand, one part of the population has benefitted from globalization and is keen to exploit the cultural and professional experiences it offers. On the other hand, the other part feels an acute loss of social security and income, but also a cultural and democratic threat from respectively migration and the increasing Europeanization. It is the sentiments and reactions of the latter, which are transforming national political systems in new ways. One of the most important developments is a comprehensive transformation of the political right. New right wing parties have emerged all over Europe in the last two decades. Among these parties are new large democratic parties with a significant impact on national policies and an agenda focused on the limitation of migration and the reform or even outright rejection of the European Union. However, there has also in several countries been a renewed surge in various forms of parties that are opposed to the liberal Western order.
This series of lectures approach the new political right with a comparative approach, exploring the different expressions this important new political movement has found in different European countries.
14. september
Introductory lecture: – Towards a New Political Right in Europe?
Jeffrey Murer (University of St Andrews)
21 September
Towards a New Political Right in Continental Europe:
France – Jørn Boisen (University of Copenhagen)
Germany - Kai Arzheimer (University of Mainz)
Discussant Hans-Jörg Trenz (University of Copenhagen)
5 October
Towards a New Political Right in East and Central Europe
Please note: Change of venue to room KUA2 - 15A.1.11
Hungary/Poland - Andras Bozoki (Central European University, Hungary)
Russia/East and Central Europe - Miklos Sükösd (University of Copenhagen)
Discussant Morten Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen)
26 October
Towards a New Political Right in Scandinavia
Denmark - Uffe Østergaard (Professor Emeritus, CBS)
Sweden - Jens Rydgren (Stockholm Universitet)
Discussant Jes Fabricius Møller (University of Copenhagen)
16 November
Final lecture – The New Political Right and “Europe”
- Roger Eatwell (University of Bath)
Discussant Niklas Olsen (University of Copenhagen)