Women, Philosophy and Academia. Female intellectual identity in Early Modern Germany

Female intellectuals

Online workshop on 24 – 25 June 2021.

The workshop will be held online via Zoom. In order to register, please email Anne-Sophie Sørup Nielsen.

The programme follows Central European Summer time (CEST)/GMT+2.

The workshop is part of the research project Archeology of the Female Intellectual Identity at the Section for Philosophy, University of Copenhagen. The project is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

The workshop is organized by Associate Professor Sabrina Ebbersmeyer & PhD Student Anne-Sophie Sørup Nielsen.


24 June

14:00 Welcome
14:10 Anne-Sophie Sørup Nielsen (University of Copenhagen) Modesty as a gendered virtue: Dorothea Erxleben and Anna Maria van Schurman on female erudition and arrogance
14:55 Break
15:00 Corey Dyck (Western University) “Erste Erzieherinnen des Menschengeschlechts”: Radical Thinking in Amalia Holst’s Pedagogy
15:45 Break
16:00 Paola Rumore (University of Turin) Images of Wolff in the female milieu at the court of Frederick the Great
16:45 Break
16:50 Katherine Goodman (Brown University) Luise Gottsched, Anglophile: Panthea
16:35 Break
17:45 Astrid Dröse (University of Tübingen) Enlightenment feminism in Germany: Christiana Mariana von Ziegler and the epistolary culture of the 18th century
18:30 End of the day


25 June

13:00 Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen) The genius of the female philosopher: The peculiar case of Elisabeth of Bohemia and her early reception in Germany
13:45 Break
13:50 Ariane Schneck (Bielefeld University) Elisabeth of Bohemia and the Limits of (Self-)Knowledge
14:35 Break
14:45 Juliane Engelhardt (University of Copenhagen) Changing gender roles through private testimonies
15:30 Break
15:40 Mathilda Amundsen Bergström (University of Copenhagen) Becoming a Learned Lady: Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht’s Autobiographical Letter
16:25 Closing discussion
17:00 End of the day