European Policies and Quality of Life (EPOQ)

EPOQ was a research group under CEMES dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of relations between European policies and their reality as everyday life for European life-modes. Combining the study of policy, culture and life-modes is a way of dealing with both policies as they effect people and the way policies and structural problems reflect everyday life and life-modes.

Coastel Cultures - fishing boats in the harbour

EPOQ was open to researchers that were interested in debates, seminars and research projects that explore the relations between governance and groups of people, communities and life-modes. The research field was diverse and the research group was cross disciplinary and contained members from disciplines such as resource management, social science, economy, anthropology and ethnology. The aim of the research group was to identify and investigate conflicts and paradoxes between European policies and life-modes, and to contribute to solutions and new insights in the debates.




Thomas Højrup, professor, Ethnology, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen
Klaus Schriewer, professor, Social Anthropology, University of Murcia, Spain
Niels Jul Nielsen, associate professor, Ethnology, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen
Jeppe Høst, PhD fellow, Ethnology, The SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen
Gry Søbye, PhD fellow, Ethnology, The SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen


Principal project managers:

Thomas Højrup

Klaus Schriewer