Health for Democracy, Democracy for Health

The Fourteenth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society will take place at Malmö University.

Democracy – as both a political system and a set of values – has often been linked to human health and the quality of healthcare systems. We know, for example, that democratic values tend to correlate positively with human well-being. Conversely, democratic decision-making practices are often heralded to enhance both patients' understanding of their treatment and influence research budgets to better meet societal needs. Yet, as with elections, we know that the possibility of choosing can also produce negative outcomes if the voters/patients are ill-informed. The conference engages with these debates from a transdisciplinary perspective, as well as relating them to new developments including the role of Artificial Intelligence and the rapidly growing role of consumer health apps and wearable devices that have shifted where and how healthcare takes place. The event is chaired by Michael Strange and includes keynotes focused on community engagement in healthcare, including the use of technology, as well as the role of civil society in working with marginalised groups.

We recommend in-person participation.

All details about the conference are available from the conference website