Öresund Comparative Borderlands Research Group

The research group is a platform for collaboration based on active dialogue over the ways that bordering in a relatively affluent part of Europe intersects with realities taking place across an increasingly globalized world. 

Doing so, it seeks to pluralize the diversity of actors typically understood to perform border work across EU regions; to consider novel methods to interpret contemporary border hybridity, porosity, and dependency alongside more established demarcations of geopolitical frontiers; and finally, to challenge the presumed legitimacy and utility of discourses and practices that naturalize bordering efforts and their effects.

This research group provides a space for researchers, artists and practitioners in the Öresund to work together to advance wider knowledge about the conditions and experiences of European bordering and borderlands. We take a particular interest in the ways that bordering occurs across diverse social, cultural, historical and geographical outlooks. Embracing an assertively interdisciplinary and comparative approach to critical border studies, the group seeks to generate conceptual frameworks and methodologies that strengthen awareness, understanding and action over the ways borders are constituted, inhabited and politicized within, beyond and in connection with the Öresund itself.

Cross-border integration is a pillar of the EU that views cohesion as the basis for societal well-being. With the creation of the Nordic Council in 1952, Nordic states have been hailed as pioneers of European region-building over numerous socio-economic, legal and environmental issues. The opening of the Öresund Bridge in 2000 exemplified long-held aspirations for a European community founded on the free movement of people and capital. Yet, this ‘golden age’ of European integration is today increasingly under threat. Since 2015, researchers and media in the Öresund have highlighted the increasing normalization of resentment towards refugees and migrants in mainstream political discourse, the persistence of border closures and mobility restrictions on each side of the Sound, and growing inequities in socio-economic power and opportunity available to residents in terms of education, transportation, housing, and other amenities. These challenges are focal points for the field of critical border studies, and as circumstances evolve, the need to account for the ways that borders are established in, related to, and made meaningful for different groups are as urgent as ever.



  • Providing hands-on knowledge exchange opportunities for people, within and outside academia, to explore new ways to depict, account for, and respond to European bordering processes and extended borderlands;
  • Supporting educational activities and professional development opportunities for students and researchers interested in European borders and borderlands;
  • Connecting research group efforts into ongoing activities of other EU research clusters focused on European borders and borderlands (seminars, workshops, etc.);
  • Cultivating, through the expertise of its members, a collective voice in public debates around societal questions pertaining to borders, migration, inclusion and regional integration in the Öresund.
  • Exploring methodological and artistic practices that might be used to advance theoretical understandings of the multiple, complex expressions of European bordering;



For questions regarding activities, to sign up to the mailing list or information about membership, contact the group's coordinators.


Dwelling, elsewhere borderland webinar series






Name Title Phone E-mail
Bissenbakker, Mons Associate Professor +4535335923 E-mail
Kapitsinis, Nikos Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535335094 E-mail
Poulia, Sofia PhD Fellow +4535325337 E-mail
Sandberg, Marie Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4551299017 E-mail
Agnidakis, Paul Senior Lecturer, Lund University
Axelsson, Linn Professor, Stockholm University
Cory, Erin Senior Lecturer, Malmö University
Denarnaud, Eugénie Researcher, Ecole nationale supérieure de paysage
Halldenius, Lena  Professor, Lund University
Keshavarz, Mahmoud Associate Senior Lecturer, Uppsala University
Kutz, William Researcher, Lund University
Pugh, Rhiannon  Senior Lecturer, Lund University
Ristilammi, Per-Markku
Senior Lecturer, Malmö University
Rivano Eckerdal, Johanna
Associate Professor, Lund University
Rosengren, Mathilda  Postdoc, Malmö University
Sager, Maja Associate Professor, Lund University
Sanders, Hanne Professor, Lund University
Sohn, Christophe
Senior Researcher, LISER
Turan, Burcu Yigit Senior Lecturer, Landscape Architecture, SLU
Öberg, Marja-Liisa   Associate Professor, Lund University