Group Activities 24th April 2018
Møllegades Boghandel
24. april, kl. 17-19/April 24, 5-7 pm
(for English see below)
Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680) – Prinsesse og filosof
Med dette arrangement fejrer vi 400-årsdagen for Elisabeth af Bøhmen, som var en af de mest berømte og lærde kvinder af sin tid.
Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (MEF, Københavns Universitet) introducerer Elisabeth som filosof og præsenterer sin oversættelse af brevvekslingen mellem Elisabeth og den franske filosof René Descartes (udkom hos Fink i 2015). Stig Dalager læser fra sin roman om Elisabeth (Kvinde i et århundrede, udkom hos People's Press i 2017). Ordstyrer for arrangementet er Christian Benne (ENGEROM, Københavns Universitet). Arrangementet bliver efterfulgt af en vinreception.
Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680) – Princess and Philosopher
This event is held in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Elisabeth of Bohemia, one of the most famous and learned women of her time.
Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (Philosophy, University of Copenhagen) will give an introduction to Elisabeth as a philosopher and present her translation of the correspondence between her and the French philosopher René Descartes (published with Fink in 2015) Stig Dalager will read (in Danish) from his novel on Elisabeth (Kvinde i et århundrede, People’s Press 2017). The event will be chaired by Christian Benne (European Literature, University of Copenhagen). It will be followed by a wine reception.
Christian Benne
Elisabeth of Bohemia (1618-1680)
24th April in Copenhagen and 18-20th May in Paderborn