Colonial Encounters in a Time of Conflict, 1914–1918

Colonial Encounters swirl

An internal research seminar with Daniel Steinbach, Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen, SAXO-institute.


During the First World War more than four million men of colour, and an even greater number of white Europeans, Australians and Americans, crisscrossed the globe. How did people interact across uneven intersections of nationality, race, gender, class, religion, and language? How did encounters –direct and mediated, forced and unforced – shape issues from cross racial intimacy and identity formation to anti-colonial networks and visions of a post-war future? From the vantage point of the edited volume Colonial Encounters in a Time of Global Conflict, 1914-1918 Daniel Steinbach (UCPH) introduces these topics and reflects upon the First World War as a global conflict.


16-17 Daniel Steinbach Presentation
17-18 Discussion with questions from the audience
18 Post-lecture reception (with pizza)

Practical information

This lecture is arranged by the CEMES research group – Europe as a global process. The lecture will take place at South Campus, room 12-4-07, followed by a small reception with pizza. No registration is required.

Please contact student assistant, Hannah in case you have any questions regarding the lecture.